Mutuelle de Santé saved my son’s life

Dear Editor, Please allow me the opportunity to use your newspaper to ‘shout’ out joyously for the miracle that has been Mutuelle de Santé(health insurance) to my community but, more specifically, to my family.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Happy: Childrenu2019s lives can be spared with health insurance.

Dear Editor,

Please allow me the opportunity to use your newspaper to ‘shout’ out joyously for the miracle that has been Mutuelle de Santé(health insurance) to my community but, more specifically, to my family.

Just last year, I finally gave in to my sister-in-law’s pursuation and accpeted to pay and register  as a beneficiary of the local health insurance scheme. 

I was, first of all, surprised by how cheap it was and I just went through the formalities and paid and left, thinking that I probably will never need the services it offers mainly because my two sons and myself are generally blessed with a strong immune system.

Just last month, my son awoke the entire household with his breathing. Something seemed to be blocking his breathing system and he was all drenched in sweat.

Upon looking at him closely, I was thrown into panick as I realised that his eyes seemed to be rolling upwards.
I rushed to my purse, picked my Mituelle card and ran to the nearest centre.

That night, I learnt that God worked in his miraculous ways. My son’s illness had come at a time when I was really cashstrapped. He had to be admitted in the hospital for four days and when the bill finally came, my health insurance card was quite helpful. It took most of the burden of payment off me and thats how my son’s life was saved.

My insurance card is now my life. I advise all those who haven’t joined to do so immediately. It, indeed, is a lifesaver.

Marie Claire Uwiceza