Quit being a couch potato and enjoy life

When I was a teenager, I enjoyed watching love movies. It became quite an addiction and I remember spending countless hours glued to the screen watching one movie after another.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

When I was a teenager, I enjoyed watching love movies. It became quite an addiction and I remember spending countless hours glued to the screen watching one movie after another.

This for me was a must and I could not understand why my mother thought otherwise. She said that I was wasting my life, sleep walking through it and not enjoying my youth. At that time I thought she did not know what she was talking about but I later realized she was right.

We all have great opportunities to serve and to love people, but we miss it sometimes because we have chosen to believe that movies are real life experiences and that they are the ‘in thing.’

On my part, it was movies but for different teenagers it could be a game, or any hobby that keeps you away from other people. It could be the love of sleep that keeps you indoors even during holidays.

Luckily for me, I realized that life was more than one hobby. When you are young there are so many other things to enjoy and like teenagers it is important that you go out and celebrate your youth in various constructive activities.
Try playing basketball, football, volleyball, swimming this holiday. Try taking a hike to Nyungwe forest or some natural forest that is beautiful, or just take a road trip with friends to places you have never been.

Try something different like attending youth gatherings or conferences this holiday; you never know what you might bump into.

This, however is best be done after you have told your parents about your plans, just in case you need financial support.

Definitely there is no time to be stuck asleep or glued onto a T.V screen because you are young and full of energy. So just enjoy life before you get older and busy.

I want to stir you up to be awake, be a joyful teen and use your energy. Again if opportunity arises to respond to other peoples needs then do it. This holiday, choose to be more than a ‘couch potato’ instead choose to challenge your ability to live life and to bless others while at it.
