Dangers of secret dating

“Almost all of my friends and age mates are in relationships, I feel left out, and sometimes the pressure to date is so strong! In fact in my clique when you’re not dating, they call you names,” confides 17-year-old Honorine Uwamahoro.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

"Almost all of my friends and age mates are in relationships, I feel left out, and sometimes the pressure to date is so strong! In fact in my clique when you’re not dating, they call you names,” confides 17-year-old Honorine Uwamahoro.

You ain’t cool if you’re not dating, but the very term ‘secret dating’ suggests a measure of deception and that’s what it takes to make it work.

Most youth keep dating secret by communicating primarily over the phone or the Internet. When in public they’re just friends but their emails, text messages and Facebook updates tells a completely different story.

Secret dating is carried out with the cooperation of friends; at least one friend knows about the situation but chooses not to say anything.

Many young people lie to their parents about their whereabouts and one lie leads to another; eventually they lose the trust of their parents or guardians.

If you are secretly dating, or tempted to, ask yourself these questions: Where will I end up? Dating without the intention of marriage is like advertising something you’re not selling.

You’re more likely to fall into the trap of sexual immorality, and then eventually get pregnant, not mentioning catching sexually transmitted diseases or HIV/AIDS which can completely destroy your life.

If a friend of yours is secretly dating, don’t share in his or her course by helping to cover it up! After all how would you feel if the relationship had harmful consequence such as; your friend dropping out of school or getting expelled because of pregnancy, wouldn’t you be partly responsible?

Don’t worry about ruining your friendship, in time your friend will realize that you were acting in his or her interest.
