Kagame addresses Congolese Parliament

BRAZAVILLE - President Paul Kagame, yesterday addressed a joint session of Congress on the second day of his State visit to the Republic of Congo- Brazzavillein his address to congress president Kagame emphasized the need for African nations to own their development solutions:

Tuesday, November 16, 2010
President Kagame being introduced to some members of the Congolese Congress yesterday (Photo Urugwiro Village)

BRAZAVILLE - President Paul Kagame, yesterday addressed a joint session of Congress on the second day of his State visit to the Republic of Congo- Brazzaville
in his address to congress president Kagame emphasized the need for African nations to own their development solutions:

"…Africa is resource rich, but these abundant resources have not always benefitted our people, principally because we do not own the means of exploiting them or control trade in them. in order to get value for our resources so that our people can gain from their natural heritage, we must pursue closer cooperation between our countries and speak with one voice, particularly in international trade negotiations. Such cooperation will become more effective if it is done within the framework of the regional integration and south south cooperation” .

Kagame shared with congress some of Rwanda’s institutions of governance, mentioning practices such as the national dialogue, Imihigo, Ubudehe, Gacaca, as well as the national leadership aimed at highlighting how Rwanda’s government strives to remain accountable to its citizens as one of its governing principles.

The president of the congress, Hon. Justin Komba described Kagame as an illustrious son of Africa, and expressed on behalf of his fellow parliamentarians and the people of Congo, their solidarity to Rwanda on the issue of the recently released reports aimed at tarnishing the image of the country and with the particular aim of destabilising our continent.

Describing Rwanda as a model country in Africa, Komba praised president Kagame for his continued leadership of the south south cooperation, expressing that the Congolese people share in this vision towards development.

Following president Kagame’s address to parliament, the two Heads of State received members of the Rwandan and Congolese press at the offices of President Denis Sassou Nguesso.

Members of the Congolese press questioned president Kagame on his views on the issue of Africa obtaining a permanent seat on the United Nations Security Council. Kagame said that it should not be considered a privilege, but a right for the African continent, stressing that it was something Africans need to fight for, in order to have their voice represented on the international scene.

On the issue of Rwandan refugees in Congo, Nguesso said that his government will continue to work alongside the Rwandan government and the High Commission for Refugees (HCR), to ensure that the situation is resolved by the December, 11, 2011 when the status of the Rwandan refugee expires.

President Nguesso  accepted an invitation extended by president Kagame to visit Rwanda in the near future in order to build on discussions shared.
