Ombudsman report out tomorrow

KIGALI - The long awaited 2009/10 Ombudsman’s report detailing cases of abuse of public office, embezzlement, mismanagement of government resources, and tender scams is expected to be tabled Tuesday before a joint parliamentary session.

Monday, November 15, 2010

KIGALI - The long awaited 2009/10 Ombudsman’s report detailing cases of abuse of public office, embezzlement, mismanagement of government resources, and tender scams is expected to be tabled Tuesday before a joint parliamentary session.

Information from Parliament indicates that this will be the second report by the Ombudsman, Tito Rutaremara, to legislators.

The report comes at a time when Rwanda has been praised for its zero tolerance of corruption. It covers various cases investigated by the Ombudsman, between 2009 to date.
The previous report ranked the four most corrupt institutions as; traffic police, judicial officials, land and customs officials on the national stage, while the most corrupt organs at the grass-root levels were cell leaders, Gacaca judges, local defence personnel and local mediators. This led to the implementation of several measures to curb the vice.

Normally, the Office of Ombudsman carries out routine accountability checks in all ministries, government institutions, provinces and districts.
