Rwandan address International Youth Forum

MUMBAI - Three representatives of Rwandan youth are at the Indian Merchants’ Chamber in Mumbai attending the International Young Leaders Forum 2010.

Monday, November 15, 2010
Participants at the International Youth Forum in Mumbai. Courtesy photo

MUMBAI - Three representatives of Rwandan youth are at the Indian Merchants’ Chamber in Mumbai attending the International Young Leaders Forum 2010.

Rwanda was represented by Dianah Mukundwa, Vincent Ruzibuka, and Shema Clement Robert, who impressed the audience with their lively interactions and constructive comments.

Young leaders from over 15 countries attend the Forum each year. These include delegates from Austria, Colombia, Denmark, Germany, Hungary, India, Japan, Kazakhstan, Romania, Rwanda, Russia, Spain, Tunisia, Turkey and Uganda.

During the conference, the welcome address was delivered by Clarence Fernandes, Chairman, Rwanda Renaissance, who highlighted the potential of Rwanda as an ideal destination for trade, tourism and investments. He also spoke about the country’s safety, security and zero tolerance to corruption.

Dianah Mukundwa, a final year student at the School of Finance and Banking, Kigali, delivered the key-note address and implored the young leaders present to use all the potential they have to develop themselves to the fullest. Further, she advised them to dream big and work hard to convert their dreams into reality.

Sweta Mangal, Co-Founder and CEO, Ambulance Access for All, shared with the young leaders her success story, despite all the challenges and hurdles she faced in setting up her organisation.

Other speakers from Colombia, Turkey, Tunisia and India delivered presentations on education for employment, the student exchange programmes, global mobility and women empowerment.

The question and answer session was very lively and a proposal was mooted to hold a similar Young Leaders Forum in Kigali, next year.

"We are very pleased with the response, the presentations and the general awareness this Forum has created for Rwanda. We shall strive to hold a similar event in Kigali in the coming year,” Fernandes announced.

Rwanda’s High Commissioner, to India, Williams Nkurunziza, commended the Forum "for engaging the youth in articulating their vision of the future, for they are its rightful inheritors.”

"Very few things are more inspiring than when a young person’s actions and thoughts focus the spotlight on his or her country like Dianah has. Her achievements are exemplarily and should be emulated by more Rwandan youth,” said Nkurunziza.
