Beware, speed kills

Editor, Please allow me to express my gratitude to the Traffic Police for the job they are doing to protect pedestrians and other road users every day. Let me also take this opportunity to warn everybody especially young men who may access cars and are excited about driving that speed kills.

Monday, November 15, 2010
A past accident scene in Kigali City (File photo)


Please allow me to express my gratitude to the Traffic Police for the job they are doing to protect pedestrians and other road users every day.

Let me also take this opportunity to warn everybody especially young men who may access cars and are excited about driving that speed kills.

I have seen many young men speeding excitedly, possibly enjoying their year long holiday before they join campus but I urge them to be cautious.

Life may look so exciting right now, but it will not be the case after you have crushed and crippled yourself. This is a time for you to behave more maturely, and take more responsibility of your life.

I also call upon parents to take it upon themselves to see that these young adults are careful when driving, and to take caution when they step out at night. Its true, speed kills. Lets make road safety our mission.

Joseph Mugisha