Teacher sacked and student expelled over love affair

A teacher at Alliance High School in Gasabo District was recently sacked for allegedly having a love affair with a student.

Saturday, February 02, 2008

A teacher at Alliance High School in Gasabo District was recently sacked for allegedly having a love affair with a student.

Prisca Gasore, 30, an economics teacher, has lost his job as a result of relations with Mediatrice Ingabire, 20, a senior five student. Ingabire has been expelled.
They both deny the affair despite allegations that they have been meeting at Gasore’s house.

The headmaster of the school, John Gasana, confirmed the expulsion of the two. Sources at Alliance High School said that Ingabire has been secretly visiting Gasore’s house near the school.

The affair came to light when a visitor at Gasore’s house accused Ingabire of stealing his mobile phone. Ingabire, going by the names of Clementine Uwamahoro, one of her classmates, met the visitor at her said lover’s home.

Upon discovering his phone was missing, the visitor insisted to be taken to the school so that he may point out the suspect. Ingabire pleaded guilty after questioning. Ingabire was then required to explain her visits to her teacher’s home.

"We had no other option but to expel both of them from the school,” said Gasana.
