EADB presents opportunity for financing Development

The East African Development Bank, on Friday, launched operations in Rwanda with the core objective of improving access to finances. The entry of the regional bank offers opportunities for financing development activities. Currently Rwanda is experiencing increased infrastructure improvement in line with the growth and development that the country has witnessed.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

The East African Development Bank, on Friday, launched operations in Rwanda with the core objective of improving access to finances.

The entry of the regional bank offers opportunities for financing development activities. Currently Rwanda is experiencing increased infrastructure improvement in line with the growth and development that the country has witnessed.

EADB has a number of products and services, namely; long and short term loans, working capital loans, trade finance, equity investments, real estate and property development among others. Rwandan business people should be able to take advantage of such products which will help to boost their investments, especially small and medium enterprises.

Investors in the sectors of tourism and housing are uniquely positioned to benefit from funding by the bank in Rwanda, as it has reportedly identified these areas as a funding priority. Financing housing will help cater for the housing demand in Rwanda, especially for middle income earners, many of whom are in need of good housing.

In all, the bank reportedly plans to lend at least $1 billion in the next five years. And this is mostly in the areas of housing and infrastructural development. Rwandan investors in these sectors should, therefore, position themselves to take advantage of loans from EADB to finance their investments.

The entry of the bank, and other financial institutions, will in the long term help to eliminate barriers to economic development and create necessary conditions for a thriving economy.
