City takes hygiene campaign to Kinyinya, Gatsata

KIGALI - As part of the ongoing Kigali City hygiene campaign dubbed ‘Beautifying my Kigali,’ the city Dauthorities, yesterday, took the campaign to Kinyinya and Gatsata sectors in Gasabo District.

Sunday, November 14, 2010
The Vice Mayor in charge of Social Affairs, Jeanne d`Arc Gakuba (in green) with residents of Kinyinya Sector, taking part in tree planting excercise (Photo G.Mugoya)

KIGALI - As part of the ongoing Kigali City hygiene campaign dubbed ‘Beautifying my Kigali,’ the city Dauthorities, yesterday, took the campaign to Kinyinya and Gatsata sectors in Gasabo District.

Led by Kigali City vice Mayor in charge of Social Affairs, Jeanne d’Arc Gakuba, several city as well as district officials, joined hands with the residents of the two suburbs to cleared shrubs and to planted trees.

Speaking to reporters, Gakuba said:, "We just do not talk about keeping the city hygienic and green, but we get involved directly so as to be exemplary and encourage residents to do the same.”

She stressed to the residents that keeping the city clean should also include keeping their individual homes clean. "Look around your homes too and make sure they are clean.”

In Nyamugari Cell, Gatsata Sector, the campaign involved checking homes to encourage residents to maintain the spirit that has seen the Cell advance in its sanitation standards, as well as encouraging others to adopt the measures.

Nyamugari Cell was recently ranked the best out of 35 Cells in Gatsata Sector in keeping sanitary standards high in homes and other areas.

Ernestine Nikuze, one of residents who were visited, commended the local leaders for sensitising residents on sanitary strategies. "All this has been achieved due to the efforts of our local leaders in sensitizing us on the issues.”
