Fashion/Style : Sparkle with a bracelet

Most people love bracelets because they enhance their looks and help them show their charismatic attraction. Size Like other accessories, when buying a bracelet it’s important to take into consideration a size that fits you well.

Sunday, November 14, 2010
Local gospel star, Phanny Gisele Wibabara shows off her adorable silver bracelets.

Most people love bracelets because they enhance their looks and help them show their charismatic attraction.


Like other accessories, when buying a bracelet it’s important to take into consideration a size that fits you well.

Bracelets are available in various types and sizes, though the popular ones are: ivory, beads, pearls, gold and silver. The size of the bracelet can be determined, while opting for the appropriate size.

Some women seem to love bracelets more than anything else. A bracelet is a versatile item that can be both visual and practical, for men and women, expensive or reasonably priced.


Considering the purpose, a very popular item is the watch bracelet. These usually consist of a jewel-style band with a watch face. This item does double duty as a watch and pretty addition to a wardrobe.

The good news is that, bracelet watches are made for both men and women, but are more popular among women; so men can sport those dashing sport watches too.


Men have always been behind women when it comes to fashion and other fancy stuff.  In the days of yore, women are the only ones who sported all kinds of trendy stuffs. But now, those days are over. There are "equal designs” for both genders.

Today, men of all walks of life from; high-class to low-class wear bracelets. What about those international celebrities that everybody looks up to? I mean those we see on TV and in fashion magazines, wearing heavy necklaces, earrings and bracelets and can’t seem to walk properly because of their swaggers.

A beautiful bracelet completes your fashion statement. Whether you choose a bracelet of pearls or gold, your hands will attract attention, and they are among the body’s most expressively dressed parts.


According to, magnetic bracelets and watches should not be worn together. Also, pregnant women and people with pacemakers should not wear these bracelets.

History of bracelets and necklaces

The necklace might be the very first type of jewellery worm by man and woman. Looking back throughout the history of necklaces brings us back 75,000 years and a possible necklace fashioned out of over 40 molluscs was found in a cave in South Africa.

Throughout the ages, beads have been created from gold, terra cotta, shells, and clay. The Egyptians faceted necklaces with beautiful patterned beads; their necklaces served as ornamental wear and as a status symbol.
During the middle-ages, only the very wealthy wore necklaces to maintain a visual distinction between the social classes. Today, necklaces are a statement not so much of class or wealth, but of individual, personal style.
