Aunt’s corner

Dear Aunt Silvia,My elder sister who had never married before came to live with me after my mother died. She was very lonely and I decided that she comes to live with my family and me. Since my husband and I are business people we decided that she is the best placed person to help us look after children with the assistance of house helps when we are away.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Dear Aunt Silvia,
My elder sister who had never married before came to live with me after my mother died. She was very lonely and I decided that she comes to live with my family and me.

Since my husband and I are business people we decided that she is the best placed person to help us look after children with the assistance of house helps when we are away.

My sister who is fifty five years old has been sickly of late and was found to be expectant. I was very shocked because I have never known her to be with any man. 

For many months I tried coxing her into telling me who the father of her baby is, and she refused until when the baby was born. To my shock she told me that the father of her baby is my husband.

I didn’t know that while I was busy on my business trips my sister and my husband were busy co-habiting, the child was proof of their relationship. I confronted them and sent my sister away against the wish of my husband.

Under my nose they are now openly cohabiting, and I have been asked by my husband to leave the house if I cannot stand living with them. If it was not for the fact that I contributed to ninety percent of our wealth I would have gladly left with my four children.

Where can I go for help to claim what is mine, as for the man, I no longer need him in my life, and so is my sister, they are both closed chapters in my life.

Dear Roxanne,

It is unfortunate that this kind of terrible behaviour between sisters has become very common around. It was only last week when a woman was narrating almost the same story in a public taxi, and I was very shocked, looking at how close I am to my sisters and the love we share I shivered at the thought.

First and foremost, if you think you are able to get a house for you and your children and you settle this matter when you are away from these two people the better for you.

You cannot be too sure what these people can do to you in the dark if they are capable of such an act in broad daylight. After you move to a safer place far from these two people, you can go ahead and sue them and claim what are rightfully yours and your children.

Make sure you have all your supporting documents with you before you move to court, and make sure to severe all ties with them now and even after the case is over.

It is unfortunate that the sister you much loved and took under your care did such a cruel act against you and your children- but then I tell you what goes around comes around, what she has done to you today will be paid back to her in twelve doses.

As for you get all your documents in place, then pack your children and leave that house. Get yourself a good lawyer who will be ready to defend you in the court of law. Even without a strong lawyer – there is law in place to defend people like you.

Take heart and be strong for the sake of your children, do not despair and continue working to secure the future of your children. By the way after the case is over do not pursue your husband, this man is not worth the sole of your shoe let alone your heart.
