The Hater : I hate people who…

…speak carelessly and rudely while in public.  There are times when you hear someone spewing a lot of verbal garbage and you wonder whether he/she deserves to be among us. I am talking about people who find it cool to speak rudely and carelessly even on phone while in public.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

…speak carelessly and rudely while in public. 

There are times when you hear someone spewing a lot of verbal garbage and you wonder whether he/she deserves to be among us. I am talking about people who find it cool to speak rudely and carelessly even on phone while in public.

The other day I overheard this brainless chap yelling out, "Bite wa muginga we! Urihe wa mushenzi we!” Did this guy stop to think that he was actually talking about himself? He is the one who really deserves to be referred to that way. More so, I wish the law would allow me to unleash two hot slaps on his face next time.
…always make idle threats about leaving Facebook.

Well it now appears that everyone is on Facebook and after doing a lot of nothing some folks decide that it is wise to announce that they are quitting the site. Now listen you Facebook addict, when you joined the site you never announced your arrival and with over 500 million users we shall certainly not miss you.

And by the way don’t bother telling us how you are back on Facebook either. Just tell the world what is on your mind and if it is not that interesting then keep it to yourself. Simply put, if you have nothing to say, don’t say it!

…assign their employees heavy titles but little pay.

It is bad enough when an employer delays to pay his/her workers. However some have even taken it further by coming up with flashy titles for ordinary jobs that attract little pay. 

I guess you have heard of house maids being referred to as Domestic Managers, receptionists being referred to as Client Assessment Officers, and secretaries that are referred to as Administrative Assistants. Then we even have those who do it to themselves. I am talking about the thousands of presidents in this country other than H.E Paul Kagame. These guys head small and usually insignificant associations but call themselves presidents!  

…waste a lot of time offering endless farewells.

Last week I talked about those who say they are leaving but stick around like a bad smell. However there is another group of sickening fellows. The ones who escort their visitors and when it comes to saying farewell, they seem not to stop. Don’t you feel like slapping one of them when they delay to get into the taxi simply because they are still saying goodbye?

And it is more annoying when the one who was being escorted gets into the taxi but continues to shout goodbyes to the people outside! Shouldn’t these people be arrested for noise disturbance?

…annoyingly do work at a very slow pace.

How I wish the editor would allow me to write this particular entry in capital letters and red ink. That may just make me feel better. I am referring to those jokers who were contracted to fix the main taxi park in Nyabugogo. These guys who started work more than four months ago are very slow and seem oblivious of the importance of this taxi park.

And I wonder what makes their work difficult. Aren’t they supposed to just fix the drainage system and put a new layer of tarmac? Does this have to take more than a month? We are now stuck with a muddy taxi park with no progress in sight only confusion in the public transport sector.

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