The power of womanhood

A woman as known very well is a type of human species, other than men. Their biological structure and function is different from that of men. In almost all ancient civilizations, women were revered.  There are Goddesses present in ancient   Greek and other mythologies. 

Saturday, November 13, 2010

A woman as known very well is a type of human species, other than men. Their biological structure and function is different from that of men.

In almost all ancient civilizations, women were revered.  There are Goddesses present in ancient   Greek and other mythologies.  In ancient India, power was visualized in the form of a woman.

This reverence was not due to any physical power or prowess displayed by women in general.  Though many a woman has displayed their gallantry in the battle field or in emergencies, but they are inferior to men in physical force. 

What were considered to be superior in women as compared to men by intellectuals were the mental powers possessed by them. Maybe for this reason, in medieval Europe, many innocent women were accused of witch craft and tortured.

A woman may not be strong physically but has immense mental powers. She has the potential to change herself, her family and a community as a whole in a positive way if she desires.

As a home maker, a woman has the capacity to make a cozy and comfortable home, where other members of the family would look forward to return after work. Good health of a family depends on the healthy and delicious meals organized by the lady of the house. A woman as a mother has the potential to create very good citizens of the world, by giving good guidance to her children and helping in their positive development.

A woman’s role is equally important on the economic front also. When a woman is prudent in her spending and running the household the available finances rise, and this leads to financial stability. On the other hand, if the lady is a spendthrift, howsoever rich the family may be, they may live in perpetual debt and mental stress.

Now whether a woman is working or not is immaterial. Many working women are aware of their responsibilities at home and organize work with home very well.  Help of other family members is of course needed in executing the chores around, but the house wife has to organize everything.
Mental courage of women is unparalled. 

They have been known to take accurate   firm judgments in times of crisis and stand up firmly against something considered wrong.  Women famous in history like Joan of Arc, Margaret Thatcher, Indira Gandhi, e.t.c.  are famous for their courageous decisions which changed the course  of history.

Love, compassion and sympathy are qualities inherently present in women. It is said by some thinkers that a world dominated by men has been full of battles and bloodshed. If women become dominant, peace would reign in.
Realizing the potential women have to do good, Government of Rwanda has rightly given women due place in decision making positions.

But   unfortunately majority of the women have forgotten the immense strength and mental qualities provided to them by nature. Lured by hype and glamour world over, they have reduced themselves to become mere objects of lust for men.  An average woman has reduced her essence to just having a wonderful figure, wearing the,”right”fashionable clothes and accessories. When they see themselves just at physical level, men also do the same. It is also for this reason, that women have lost their due respect in any society. They are exposed to rape, domestic violence and abuse of various kinds because men consider them nothing beyond mere play things.

Apart from that, in the quest for being liberated, (a concept generated from, "women’s lib.”, movement in U.S. and Europe in 6th or 7th decade of last century.), many women abandoned their domestic responsibilities towards their family. Result is the chaos seen today in the form of high rates of divorce, broken families and juvenile delinquency.

Many women take up smoking and drinking to be equal to men.  But in doing so, they reduce their own stature, as any disciplined person with healthy habits is considered superior to one with vices

It is important for women to realize and develop the tremendous mental power and good qualities provided by nature.  When they realize their own power and develop it, they will develop themselves and also regain the reverence which is their due.