A typical vegetarian’s routine

A vegetarian diet consists of only plants as food. These include fruits, vegetables, beans and peas, grains, seeds and nuts.

Friday, November 12, 2010

A vegetarian diet consists of only plants as food. These include fruits, vegetables, beans and peas, grains, seeds and nuts.

I grew up in a family where meat was not part of any meal; I practically ate vegetables every single day of my childhood. I didn’t know what exactly was wrong and bas with meat because I always saw friends in my neighborhood eating all sorts of meat. I concluded that it must have been a religious influence on the part of my parents therefore, I never once questioned the absence of meat from our diet—I simply ate what had been cooked and once in a while envied those who enjoyed the fulfillment that came with eating meat.
Later on, at the age of 14 years, I developed a health complication and my diet was further restricted medically. Slowly by slowly I began to hate meat and other animal products. I hated meat and would painstakingly leave a room when meat was being prepared or even eaten. 
After hearing from several sources about the effects of meat I decided to become a vegetarian for life. In short, meat has never entered my mouth since a entered this world.
The first reaction I always get whenever I tell anyone about my vegan diet is surprise, shock, amazement and the common question, "Why? Is it for religious or health reasons?”
Those who know me, still do not fully understand my vegan lifestyle, some have come to accept me as I am.  I am what you would consider a ‘herbivore’.
At school my friends thought I was very sick and every time I would enter the cafeteria they would say "allow the sick to pass”. It was embarrassing but it didn’t bother me a lot. Currently, friends still bother me on why I chose this kind of weird green diet and, I always have the same answer, "It is my choice.”

Below are examples of my healthy vegetarian menus.

1 cup Whole Grain Total cereal,1 cup 1% milk, 2 tbsp slivered almonds,
1 banana, 2 slices of wheat toast,1 cup soy milk.

1 bagel, 2 tbsp almond butter, 1 tbsp jelly, 1 cup carrot sticks
1 cup yogurt, 1 apple, 1 whole wheat wrap

1 cup spaghetti, ½ cup mushroom/tomato sauce, 3 soy meatballs, ½ cup assorted vegetables, 2 tsp. dressing, 1 cup 1% milk 

The world would be a much kinder, healthier place today if people had ate greens, grains and beans instead of milk and meat as the solution to dietary deficiencies. As soon as you realize that you don’t need meat to survive or to be in good health, you will begin to see how forlorn it all is, and remember the more you accept the vegan diet, the healthier you become.
