Drugs and illicit brew worth Rwf2m destroyed

Police in Gasabo District, on Wednesday destroyed illicit brew and drugs valued at Rwf 2m. 1,460 litres of local brews such as Kanyanga and 20 kilograms of Marijuana were destroyed in an exercise held in Rusororo Sector.  

Friday, November 12, 2010

Police in Gasabo District, on Wednesday destroyed illicit brew and drugs valued at Rwf 2m.

1,460 litres of local brews such as Kanyanga and 20 kilograms of Marijuana were destroyed in an exercise held in Rusororo Sector.  

The destroyed drugs were seized from several bar operators in the area in separate operations conducted by Police in Kabuga and Nyagahinga, in conjunction with local authorities and area residents.

Gasabo District Police Commander, Supt. Dismas Rutaganira, called on anyone who knows the whereabouts of such illegal products and their dealers to tip off security organs. 

"We remind residents that drugs are penalised by a sentence ranging from six months to five years of imprisonment as stipulated by articles 272 and 274 of the criminal code,” Rutaganira said.

The Sector Executive Secretary, Theophile Niragire, thanked area residents for their role in facilitating police with information which led to the arrest of a number of suspects.

Niragire observed that cases like assault, rape and defilement and accidents are a result of drug abuse.
