TPF 4 contestants punished again

The contestants in the East Africa’s biggest reality TV music show have been punished by the Faculty for their poor performances on Sunday, in addition to a lack of focus in class and commitment. The remaining 10 TPF contestants, on Wednesday, found themselves in the Faculty’s black book, as tension mounts in the house over cleaning duties.

Thursday, November 11, 2010
L-R : Davis ; Gaga ; Steve

The contestants in the East Africa’s biggest reality TV music show have been punished by the Faculty for their poor performances on Sunday, in addition to a lack of focus in class and commitment.

The remaining 10 TPF contestants, on Wednesday, found themselves in the Faculty’s black book, as tension mounts in the house over cleaning duties.

"Can we ask for permission to go home?”  This is what an infuriated Davis said, after he discovered that the Faculty had decided to punish all the contestants yet again.
According to sources from the TPF Academy, Davis also asked Steve whether they could request to go back home when they received a disciplinary letter with Wednesday’s meager supper.

The other contestants were also shocked by the harsh measures taken against them.

Gabiro’s eyes almost popped out of their sockets when he found out that supper was going to be Ugali and beans, and Atete and Gaga, looked quite miserable as well.


This week, the contestants will have porridge for breakfast and the Kenyan laborers’ staple of Ugali and beans for lunch and supper.

They will also not be allowed to have any beverage to drink other than water and will not be allowed to have sugar with their breakfast porridge.


Again on Wednesday, as the contestants set about cleaning the house, Steve and Gaga had an argument as this week’s Academy Captain, Rachel tried to mediate.
Gaga and Steve were arguing about who was to clean the bathroom and boys’ bedroom this week.

Sources say that, Gaga had earlier agreed to clean both areas, this week, but went behind Steve’s back to Rachel and accused him of not being a "team player”.

Unfortunately or fortunately, Rachel confronted Steve to ask him if it was true; Steve denied this and was actually quite upset with Gaga.


Meanwhile, the contestants are at the mercy of the Faculty for the rest of this week.
The Faculty are worried that contestants may be slipping backwards, and thus, instituted the punishment to whip them back into shape.

Kavutha taught the contestants about ad-libbing during their performances, and Atemi Oyungu is back again, this week, for another master class on background vocals.

The winner of TPF 4, will walk home with Ksh5 million  (about Rwf 35 m) and a one-year contract with South Africa’s Gallo Records company, among other prizes.

To keep our own 3Gs in the Academy, vote by sending as many text messages to: Gabiro, text the word "Tusker 15”, Gaga, "Tusker 8” and Gaelle "Tusker 1” and send to 7333.
