Chinese envoy bids farewell

KIGALI - The outgoing Chinese Ambassador to Rwanda, Sun Shuzhong, yesterday paid a courtesy call on President Paul Kagame at Urugwiro Village to bid him farewell after three years  representing his country in Rwanda.

Thursday, November 11, 2010
BADE FAREWELL; Chinese envoy Sun Shuzhong

KIGALI - The outgoing Chinese Ambassador to Rwanda, Sun Shuzhong, yesterday paid a courtesy call on President Paul Kagame at Urugwiro Village to bid him farewell after three years  representing his country in Rwanda.

Shuzong, who was appointed in 2007, defined his departure as "emotional”. He will head back to his country to occupy a new job at his country’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs as the coordinator of Chinese Ambassadors worldwide.

Speaking to the press shortly after holding talks with President Kagame and bidding him farewell, Shuzong said that he will "strongly remain attached” to Rwanda and that he will always consider Rwanda as his second home.

The Chinese diplomat said that during his tour of duty, a lot was achieved in terms of cooperation between the two countries, particularly in the area of socio-economic development.

"I am very glad to have met President Kagame for a discussion about China-Rwanda cooperation, but I am particularly happy for having given me an opportunity to come and say farewell though it’s not an easy moment for me,” he said.

"During my three years in Rwanda, I am very glad to see that China-Rwanda cooperation registered great success. I think it is a new type of relationship based on political will, mutual trust, mutual respect, economic cooperation and cultural exchange,” Shuzhong noted.

He added that many Chinese companies will continue investing in Rwanda because the country has proved to be favourable for doing business.

The Chinese envoy said that despite his departure, he will remain a friend of Rwanda and would return given any chance.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Louise Mushikiwabo, who was also present at the meeting, said that Rwanda and China observe excellent relations based on mutual respect.

She noted that China has particularly played a prominent role in helping Rwanda build its infrastructure, and that China and Rwanda share a relationship where the political aspirations of each country are held in high respect.

Mushikiwabo paid tribute to the diplomat, saying that a lot was indeed done during the three years Shuzhong represented his country, and that he will continue to work with Rwanda even in his new office.
