Monitoring and Evaluation system launched

The government, through the Ministry of Finance in conjunction with One UN-Family in Rwanda, on Tuesday launched a joint Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) process, aimed at strengthening systems in the country.

Thursday, November 11, 2010
UN Resident Coordinator Aurelien Agbenonci

The government, through the Ministry of Finance in conjunction with One UN-Family in Rwanda, on Tuesday launched a joint Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) process, aimed at strengthening systems in the country.

The event held at Serana hotel, also saw 31 Monitoring and Evaluation officers from various ministries, receive certificates of merit, following their five-day intensive training held in Rubavu District.

The workshop facilitated by the UN focused on evidence-based management and equipping the managers with evaluation skills to implement the Economic Development Poverty Reduction Strategy (EDPRS).

Leonard Minega Rugwabiza, the Director General of National Development Planning and Research in the Ministry of Finance, who presided over the event, thanked the UN in Rwanda for their support in realising the country’s dream.

"Basing on what has been done, this will be a successful journey, and not only will it be through the efforts by the government, but also the technical support rendered by the UN,” Rugwabiza noted.

The UN Resident Coordinator, Aurelien Agbenonci, commended the UN agencies in the country for supporting the national M&E system and capacity building saying it was key to their missio.”

"I would like to thank the ministry for driving the process and their commitment towards improving performance, achieving results and ultimately changing the lives of Rwandans for the better,” Agbenonci said.

"I would like to reiterate the UN’s commitment towards supporting the efforts of the government in the realization of its development objectives”.

He pledged to further support the M&E process, including capacity development, which he said, is critical to the fulfillment of sustainable development objectives.
