Help Police to help you

Editor, I would like to commend our  police in Kiramuruzi Sector, Gatsibo District, for its relentless campaign in the fight against illicit brew currently being smuggled into the country from Uganda. James Gahigi, a driver who police arrested last week transporting illicit brew, should be disciplined and also asked to reveal the names of his accomplices in this illegal trade.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


I would like to commend our  police in Kiramuruzi Sector, Gatsibo District, for its relentless campaign in the fight against illicit brew currently being smuggled into the country from Uganda.

James Gahigi, a driver who police arrested last week transporting illicit brew, should be disciplined and also asked to reveal the names of his accomplices in this illegal trade.

The continued arrests of drivers transporting illicit brew or drugs like marijuana points to one thing that the clique dealing in this trade is wide and connected to some people in Uganda.

I also suspect that there are some people, perhaps from the business community, benefiting from this illegal trade and police should carry out a systematic investigation to expose those behind it.. But for police to do its work properly, all Rwandans must rally behind it because fighting illicit brew is a community responsibility, not for police’s alone.

Alice Murerwa