Save yourself the embarrassment, pay workers

Dear Editor, I do not have any kind words for the couple I read about in The New Times dated January 31 2008. A couple who lost their 17year old girl maid abducted their baby in the morning hours over wage arrears accumulated over a period of eight months.

Friday, February 01, 2008

Dear Editor,

I do not have any kind words for the couple I read about in The New Times dated January 31 2008. A couple who lost their 17year old girl maid abducted their baby in the morning hours over wage arrears accumulated over a period of eight months.

This is a lesson to those employers who take pleasure in delaying to pay their employees, why for example should one fail to pay his worker for over eight months and yet the employee is working?

How on earth is one expected to survive with the high cost of living in this country?

While this young maid was kind enough to return her former boss’s child, the best they did was to arrest her and take her to a near by police station.

The maid did not even ask for the money she owed them. This is only the tip of the iceberg! Pay your workers and in time.
