Driver arrested transporting illicit brew

GATSIBO - Police in Kiramuruzi Sector, Gatsibo District last week impounded a vehicle carrying cartons of illicit brew and arrested its driver. According to Police, the impounded vehicle, a TOYOTA Corolla, Reg: RAB 480 K, was carrying 4200 packets of Suzie, a local brew made from Uganda.

Tuesday, November 09, 2010
The suspect with packets of Suzie Waragi at Kiramuruzi Police Post.Photo D. Ngabonziza

GATSIBO - Police in Kiramuruzi Sector, Gatsibo District last week impounded a vehicle carrying cartons of illicit brew and arrested its driver.

According to Police, the impounded vehicle, a TOYOTA Corolla, Reg: RAB 480 K, was carrying 4200 packets of Suzie, a local brew made from Uganda.

"This vehicle had evaded security officials for long. It has been a long journey to catch up with it. We were tipped by residents that the vehicle has been transporting illicit drugs from Uganda,” a Police official at Kiramuruzi Police Post told The New Times.
Police added other two suspects escaped and are still on run.

"We also arrested the driver but two people who were travelling with him escaped. We are still hunting for them,” Police said.

Speaking to The New Times, the suspect, James Gahigi admitted to smuggling the illicit brew.
"It’s true, I was arrested with cartons of Suzie waragi. We buy them from Ugandans in

Kizinga and smuggle them into the country. I was transporting them to Kayonza,” he said at Kiramuruzi Police Post.
