Financial Markets to boost saving culture

Editor, The government of Rwanda, through the Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning, has been working hard for the last three years to develop and strengthen local financial market. Given the poor saving culture among Rwandans, once the population is highly sensitized about the benefits of investing in financial instruments, then long-term saving will be promoted to the benefit of the local investors and entire economy.

Tuesday, November 09, 2010


The government of Rwanda, through the Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning, has been working hard for the last three years to develop and strengthen local financial market.

Given the poor saving culture among Rwandans, once the population is highly sensitized about the benefits of investing in financial instruments, then long-term saving will be promoted to the benefit of the local investors and entire economy.

The government in the last three years has been involved in attracting products on the market as well as improving infrastructure to make the sector vibrant.

Currently, the government, has done a good job issuing some treasury bills to keep the market active, that way, people can channel their savings in these short term instruments for an interest in the future.

However, there remain few companies that have listed their shares on the market,includingKenya commercial bank and Nation Media Group.

With all this taking place and government intensifying the public education campaign, it’s our hope that Rwandans will benefit from capital markets.
Rita Ngarambe