Well done our heroes!

Dear Editor, Let me take this opportunity to commemorate the living and fallen heroes. Our president, Paul Kagame and a group of comrades forced their way back home after a generation of exile.

Friday, February 01, 2008

Dear Editor,

Let me take this opportunity to commemorate the living and fallen heroes. Our president, Paul Kagame and a group of comrades forced their way back home after a generation of exile.

This could have been one of the most audacious covert operations in the history of clandestine war. After taking over power from a genocidal regime, they amazed the world by stabilizing and reviving their devastated country then.

Now, as Kagame, is determined to make Rwanda the first middle-income country in Africa, and to do this in the space of a single generation.

It is the adventure-filled tale of a visionary who won a war, stopped genocide, and then set out to turn his country into the star of Africa.

Like Ishmael Beah’s bestselling A Long Way Gone and Greg Mortenson’s Three Cups of Tea, this book recounts the thrilling and uplifting tale of a man who defied the odds to lift himself and his country out of misery toward a more promising future.

Long live your dream Mr. President!
