What is fear? Well, according to my research, it is ‘a feeling of agitation and anxiety caused by the presence or imminence of danger’. I’ve come to realise that most of the time; we all have some sort of fear which shakes us from our position of confidence, positivity, determination and effort.
What is fear?
Well, according to my research, it is ‘a feeling of agitation and anxiety caused by the presence or imminence of danger’.
I’ve come to realise that most of the time; we all have some sort of fear which shakes us from our position of confidence, positivity, determination and effort.
Unfortunately though not surprisingly, it’s most especially just when you’d gathered your every bit of effort, courage and faith. Just when you are about to reach out and give it your best shot!
Take a scenario; you’re about to sit for a serious exam and your stomach simply can’t stop trying to play tricks on you or, as we prefer "you’re freaking out!” No matter how much preparation you know you’ve put into it, you still imagine the worst outcome. I’m yet to find out what happens in the world outside school but as for now, I’ll stick to what I know—this is the point where a student develops malaria caused by the cold, or headaches from indigestion, and many other movie-like tactics.
Or let’s say; you have to make a decision that means losing something you considered very precious; it could be a friend, a job, a revelation of a certain truth, an obsession or whatever else that requires a great deal of your courage and perseverance to face.
Taking that step is one of the greatest fears I’ve observed in the world… it has made giants of the world look smaller than ants. In fact, it has destroyed many of its victims or at least affected them in one way or another. I’m led to believe you understand exactly what I mean… I know each of us has often come to this place in our lives.
Whatever the case, you must know that fear is an obstacle and usually the one that always comes just when you’re reaching out for that goal, that dream, etc ; it’s one of the strongest forces in this world for those without defense from it. It’s able to stop you from standing up to defend what you believe in, from giving your best in that exam or task and from even trying!!
I will tell you this; inside of you is such strength! Much more than you can imagine. You can be my witness if you’ve ever gone the extra mile to step out in courageous boldness in spite of the opposing circumstances, and faced your fears… there is victory, there is peace, and of course there is a sweet reward for the hard work and sacrifice.
You definitely don’t want to miss this, no matter what the world suggests, what your past suggests, or what your present state suggests. What matters is ahead of you; reach for it! DO NOT give in to fear!
I love the mind that thought and resolved; "the reason we’re afraid is not because we are inadequate, rather that we are powerful beyond measure!”