Customer care has improved a great deal

Editor, Through your paper, I wish to thank all restaurants which have improved on their customer care services in Kigali. Unlike in the past, every restaurant I go to now days, I have noticed that waiters and waitresses welcome you with a smile and are eager to serve customers.

Monday, November 08, 2010


Through your paper, I wish to thank all restaurants which have improved on their customer care services in Kigali. Unlike in the past, every restaurant I go to now days, I have noticed that waiters and waitresses welcome you with a smile and are eager to serve customers.

Previously, it would take you few minutes to notice that the quality of customer care was poor—where a customer could sit and wait for hours with waiters unmindful of his presence.

RDB did its best to train private business owners on how to improve their customer care and I think the efforts are paying off.

The truth is, our market cannot thrive if the level of customer care is not good enough. In this global market, people are always comparing services and they stick with  the one who offers value for money.

Therefore, it’s just good that all hotels and eateries embrace good customer care. To those yet to embrace this positive trend, you must treat your clients as the source of your livelihood. Like the famous adage, ‘a customer is King’. Without his money, your business cannot thrive.

James Hategeka