First Lady joins Police in planting trees

KACYIRU - The First Lady, Jeannette Kagame, yesterday, joined Rwanda National Police (RNP) in a ‘special’ communal work of tree planting at the force’s hospital in Kacyiru .Members of ‘Friends Africa’ also took part in the exercise.

Sunday, November 07, 2010
First Lady and City mayor, Aisa Kacyira during tree planting communal work at Kacyiru police hospital yesterday. (Courtesy photo)

KACYIRU - The First Lady, Jeannette Kagame, yesterday, joined Rwanda National Police (RNP) in a ‘special’ communal work of tree planting at the force’s hospital in Kacyiru .
Members of ‘Friends Africa’ also took part in the exercise.

The exercise is part of the tree planting week which kicks off tomorrow in an event to be launched in Karongi District.

Friends Africa (Friends of the Global Fund Africa) is a Pan-African organization which works to mobilize strategic political and financial support for the fight against AIDS, TB and Malaria through education, multi-sectoral advocacy and documentation. 

The organization, which the First Lady is among the Board of Directors, supports the fight against the three pandemics with emphasis on the Global Fund, a key funding mechanism in the fight.

They are in the country to attend the Private Sector Summit which aims at enhancing engagement of African private sector in the fight against the three pandemics affecting the continent, and to mobilize resources for the Global Fund.

An estimated 44 million trees are expected to be planted countrywide during the tree planting week.

Aigboje Imokhuede, board chairman of Friends Africa,commended the First Lady for her commitment in acting out her political authority effectively.
"If there is one thing that has made an impact on me and colleagues on the board of Friends Africa, is the commitment that has been demonstrated by Madam Jeannette Kagame,”  Imokhuede said.

He commended her thorough understanding on health issues, having a true empathy for people suffering from various health pandemics, and her personal commitment to try and change the lives of people

"And that is very well represented in the lady whose brain child this hospital is,” he said.

"As individuals, we take a lot of leadership and signalling from things she does…and it gives us great hope for Africa, and indeed the whole world, that one day, Africans will be out to say that ‘as far as issues of HIV/AIDS, malaria, TB, gender mortality and many others are concerned, Africa will overcome them,” Atta said.

The Director of Medical Services in the police, Assistant Commissioner of Police,Dr. Wilson Rubanzana, observed that trees are very important in the production of oxygen, and formation of rain which are very essential to our lives and health.

The event was also attended by the Minister of Internal Security, Fazil Musa Harelimana, City Mayor, Aisa Kirabo Kacyira and senior police officers, among others.
