Kagame meets RDF officers

KIGALI - President Paul Kagame, who is also the Commander-in-Chief of the Rwanda Defence Force (RDF), Friday met with over 300 military officers at the Ministry of Defence Headquarters.

Sunday, November 07, 2010
President Kagame with the RDF officers on Friday (Courtesy photo)

KIGALI - President Paul Kagame, who is also the Commander-in-Chief of the Rwanda Defence Force (RDF), Friday met with over 300 military officers at the Ministry of Defence Headquarters.

According to a statement from the ministry, the President commended the RDF for its discipline and fulfilment of its mission and tasks, but pointed out that it should always demonstrate consistence in all things they do in the interest of the population in order to maintain the trust and confidence of the people

He also drew an analogy in which he likened the RDF to a family composed of individual family members, and stressed that it is the family that supersedes the individual.

"It is the family that brings you up, nurtures you, feeds you and makes you what you are,” he said adding that failure by the individual to recognize this, results into some becoming vagabonds or dissidents.

Referring to Emmanuel Habyarimana , Theogene Rudasingwa, Barthazar Ndengeyinka, Kayumba Nyamwasa, Alphonse Furuma, and Patrick Karegyeya, President Kagame said that they once lived in the RDF family, and just like any other family, the RDF tried to counsel them but instead they chose to live as individuals and that this is precisely why they are living a shameful life.

Addressing the officers, Kagame said, "When the military is well led and when it accomplishes its mission and tasks, it contributes effectively to the development of the nation.”
He further noted that discipline and effectiveness of any force is the outcome of upholding family interests, of working and fighting as members of one family, and above all, fighting against any shame.

President Kagame noted that what is good for the family is always good for the individual and not always vice versa.
He pointed out that unlike the family, the individual is expendable.

"Individuals will come and go, but the family will always remain,” he said.

The President warned that any family member who tarnishes the image of the family ,should be ruthlessly dealt with in the interest of the family.

"You should not have dual or split character and personality,” he warned and emphasized that discipline has to be total.

Noting that people live in a world of the survival of the fittest in which the weak ones get swallowed, President Kagame stressed that it is this reality that engenders competition.

"We must therefore develop the capacity to survive in a complex and competitive world and achieve much with little input.  We must be innovative and not wasteful. We shall continue to demand for maximum output from individuals, and we should demonstrate humility,” he stressed.
The President’s address was followed by a question and answer session.

The Chief of Defence Staff, Lt Gen Charles Kayonga, gave a brief status of the RDF that touched on the defence of the nation, civil – military affairs, Peace Support Operations, training, production activities, infrastructure development and discipline in the RDF.

The Minister of Defence, Gen James Kabarebe, on behalf of the Ministry of Defence and the RDF, congratulated the President upon his recent re-election.

He pointed out that the threat of terrorism was real but noted that it has been contained.  Kabarebe assured the President that the RDF was as usual still solid, strong and firmly behind him in the realization of his vision.

The minister pointed out that the RDF has an effective internal mechanism to ensure that the RDF continues to steer the right path. On the programmes of the Ministry of Defence, Gen Kabarebe pointed out that the enhancement of personnel welfare was one of the top priorities for the Ministry of Defence.

He assured the President that similar meetings in the past have been inspiring, and above all, useful in shaping the vision and strategic direction of the Ministry of Defence and the RDF.

The Commander-in- Chief holds similar meetings with the RDF officers annually.
