Perfect weekend …Grace Muhawenimana

Grace Muhawenimana is one of the few female artistes who have managed to start music groups.The artiste performs in a group of two called The Queens. Below she shares with you how she spends her weekend;

Sunday, November 07, 2010
Grace Muhawenimana

Grace Muhawenimana is one of the few female artistes who have managed to start music groups.

The artiste performs in a group of two called The Queens. Below she shares with you how she spends her weekend;
I get to know it’s a weekend when I am having fun and that is on Saturday. I start the day by engaging in domestic work which includes washing and putting the house in order.

I also try to involve myself in the cooking most especially if I am to prepare African food. Immediately after lunch, I take a shower and relax while listening to soft music.

At around 3p.m, I leave home and join my friends. We mostly enjoy and spend time just around the city but our favourite places include Bourbon Coffee at MTN Centre, DJ Bob`s music outlet and sometimes Laico Umubano hotel.
At the hotel I enjoy swimming and snacks as I also love meeting new people to make friends. I may leave for home early especially if I am to go out. But if not then I stay with my friends until late.

On Sunday I go for prayers until midday. After lunch, I may either decide to visit my Aunt in Nyarutarama and get to the Golf Club or move around my home area.
However by 9p.m, I must be home preparing for Monday. I get to bed at around 11.

That makes my weekend perfect