I hate people who…

…sexually abuse their passengers. There is indeed nothing funny about this and information reaching my Hatred headquarters reveals that some motorcycle taxi fellows are in the habit of leaning back into the breasts of their female passengers. If I may remind these jokers, that cheap bike of yours is a TVS not a Harley Davidson! So don’t pretend to be on a Harley.

Sunday, November 07, 2010

…sexually abuse their passengers.

There is indeed nothing funny about this and information reaching my Hatred headquarters reveals that some motorcycle taxi fellows are in the habit of leaning back into the breasts of their female passengers. If I may remind these jokers, that cheap bike of yours is a TVS not a Harley Davidson! So don’t pretend to be on a Harley.

Lean forward and ride without disrespecting our sisters and mothers. I am calling on the police to arrest any of these perverts on sight. There is no reason why a deranged fellow with a dirty jacket should get away with such behaviour.  

 …pretend to care about things they hardly know about.

Some time last week news came in about the death of ‘Paul’ the octopus that became famous for predicting the results of some World Cup 2010 games in South Africa. Interestingly many people in Rwanda posted on their ‘Rest In Peace’ messages as their Facebook status updates.

Since when did you care about an Octopus? Some of you do not even know how many tentacles it has and what it actually uses them for. So stop pretending that you care about the life of an octopus living miles away from Rwanda. Get a life.   

…embrace cultures they do not really understand.

Just like the people who thought it was cool to show concern for a two year old octopus they hardly knew, some fellows decided to celebrate Halloween in Kigali only to have their party stopped by the police. I personally love to party but then I also love to hate people who party in the name of simply copying traditions from the West that they do not even understand. No wonder the police had to stop the party. I can imagine how difficult it can be trying to explain to a Rwandan police officer what Halloween is all about when you are all dressed in weird costumes. Once again get a life folks.

…say goodbye but never leave.

I wonder why some people fail to keep their word. Don’t you just hate those jokers you usually find at a party who tell you they are leaving but never actually leave? Then there are those who visit and every 20 minutes they tell you they are leaving but continue to warm you furniture even more. What’s wrong with some people?

If you want to stay say saw so and if you say you are leaving then get the hell out of here now! This nonsense of bidding farewell and sticking around for three more hours is really annoying. Try being like me, when I say I hate I go ahead and hate immediately. No delays.       

…continue to make our lives difficult.

It is not my style to hate corporate companies but that does not stop me from hating those who work for them. Sometime last month I got a message from MTN Rwanda saying they were going to start charging subscribers for roaming outside Rwanda. Do they know who they are messing with? And what happened to their Home and Away talk? Do they really expect me to enjoy paying them just because someone wants to talk to me? Come on guys you must be joking. What a way to make life easy for your competitors. Whoever came up with this decision should know I am not happy at all. And so are my very many friends.  

Let me help you hate by sending your suggestions to thehater2009@gmail.com or a text message to +250 788 545293