Politics of deceit sign of bankruptcy

Self- styled politicians put their last nail on their coffin, when they start practicing politics of deceit. The last thing any gambling politician can do is to use hatred and divisive propaganda to win the hearts of people.

Sunday, November 07, 2010

Self- styled politicians put their last nail on their coffin, when they start practicing politics of deceit. The last thing any gambling politician can do is to use hatred and divisive propaganda to win the hearts of people.

This worsens especially, when such politicians, are dealing with a post genocide society like Rwanda.

In Rwanda, people have realized that divisive politics contributes to the inability of both citizens and political leaders to solve problems and seek conciliatory resolutions.
Well-meaning patriotic Rwandans have been working diligently to restore the country’s tarnished image around the world, which was earned during the long period of despotic regimes, leading to the 1994 genocide against the Tutsi.

Bankrupt politicians however, remain too myopic to see this irreversible trend- it is a sad reality. Nevertheless, politicians whose names and umbrella is not our interest, will always find their appalling, barbaric, and unacceptable activities condemned in the strongest terms by Patriotic Rwandans.

They will never get space and time to jeopardize the country’s hard earned peace and tranquillity. It is in black and white lenses that no one can be allowed to take Rwanda at ransom-not with the current leadership at least.

Politicians who seat in the corridors of apartments in Western countries and elsewhere, to preach genocide ideology, bitterness and hatred are just engaged in a futile agenda.

Surprisingly, they know they can’t do anything to change the people’s direction towards achieving sustainable social, political and economic development.

Believe it or not, they know they can’t do much but they are only succumbing to the nature of political bankruptcy.
The Rwandan leadership has managed to transform the country rapidly. A country that was perceived by the international community, as very backward and chronically underdeveloped, is now exemplary.

This is not hearsay, the people’s living standards across the country attest to this assertion. This is what makes the day of Rwandan people-wrestling to develop themselves as individuals and ultimately as a society.

Issues of concern in Rwanda are; how people can feed themselves, use the fertile land, to produce enough food, so as to import less or staple food.

And, in the political arena, there is no time for revelling, but for serious reflection and accountability from elected leaders. The question of whether our country is progressing or retrogressing is a suitable premise for peaceful and intelligent debate, leading to tangible resolutions.

The people of Rwanda are beyond debates on whether there was genocide against the Tutsi or not. Such debates and doubts are only done by the political bankrupt bunch of people.

The people of Rwanda have time and again made it clear to the world that they have confidence in their peaceful and visionary leadership. This shows how Rwandans, actually, still have their country’s bleak history at their finger tips.  They know their destination after the dark era.

Rwandans have the will and skill to change their nation. They have managed to put aside their pettiness and now think selflessly for the common good of the country and its people.

There is no doubt that their minds are preoccupied with ideas for reconstruction, development, education and job creation, and not hatred. This is what people who are short of ideas, fail to understand, until they find themselves humiliated in their own games.

The old culture of hatred, conflict and violence amongst our people, has been greatly shaken, and our young generation will take over the leadership in future, with even a more positive attitude.

So why do some people insist on wrong and bankrupt politics? Like in any game of gambling, one has to keep on beating in the bush to see if any dice comes on his or her way. 

They are short of ideas and think they can capitalize on anything to turn the trend in their favour. In their desperate situation, they have allied or seek to ally with the most backward force of evil on the planet, known as Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Rwanda (FDLR).

They have rehearsed with shameful joy, the paragraphs of the unscientific UN report, pinning Rwanda on atrocities committed in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).
Some have even been struggling to deny the genocide they committed, suffered or witnessed. How does one dare to deny what the law of common sense tells even a child? What a great shame!

This a great mistake that they will live to regret…the people’s verdict is never challengeable or reversible.
However, any experienced person will tell you that these are the last kicks of a dying horse. They can hit hard at the beginning of the end, but dies down too quickly to be harmful.
