RRA, Private Sector vow to promote business growth

KIGALI - The Private Sector Federation (PSF) and Rwanda Revenue Authority (RRA) have vowed to always strive for the promotion of business growth in the country to facilitate development.

Saturday, November 06, 2010
L-R : PSF Vice chairman Faustin Mbundu ; RRA's Gerald Mukubu

KIGALI - The Private Sector Federation (PSF) and Rwanda Revenue Authority (RRA) have vowed to always strive for the promotion of business growth in the country to facilitate development.

The commitment was made by officials from the two institutions during a one-day Tax Issues Forum (TIF) which took place on Wednesday at the PSF secretariat.

At the forum, Gerard Nkusi Mukubu, the Director for Taxpayers’ Services department, urged members of the private sector to always pay taxes on time, which he said will enable the government plan ahead.

Among other issues discussed included VAT reverse charge, taxation on re-valuable assets, Custom Bond Insurance Premium, and cooperation during tax audits.

"This forum is an opportunity for us to share with members of PSF issues regarding compliance with various tax laws,” Eugene Torero, the RRA Deputy Commissioner in charge of Customs told The New Times after the meeting.
He added that the forum helps them find solutions to various challenges from both parties and to have a common understanding on how certain expenses are treated in the taxation law.

"This forum has enabled us update our members on the legislations put in place and mechanisms for paying taxes,” said Faustin Mbundu, the vice president of PSF.
Meanwhile, Mukubu said that such dialogues with the PSF are very crucial adding that this will eventually lead to increased revenues.

The TIF is a quarterly dialogue aimed at resolving tax related issues in a transparent and timely manner to ensure a more conducive business environment.
