Rwanda to host Great Lakes peace conference

Rwanda is set to host a regional meeting aimed at discussing issues related to security within the Great Lakes Region slated for November 19 - 20. The meeting will be held under the auspices of the Great Lakes Parliamentary Forum on Peace, AMANI Forum, which is a network of parliamentarians committed to promote peaceful resolution of conflicts, both within their own countries and in the region as a whole.

Saturday, November 06, 2010
Amani President, Denis Polisi, and Vice President Stephanie Mukantagara,at Yesterday's meeting. (Photo J Mbanda)

Rwanda is set to host a regional meeting aimed at discussing issues related to security within the Great Lakes Region slated for November 19 - 20.

The meeting will be held under the auspices of the Great Lakes Parliamentary Forum on Peace, AMANI Forum, which is a network of parliamentarians committed to promote peaceful resolution of conflicts, both within their own countries and in the region as a whole.

The meeting was announced by the Deputy Speaker of Parliament, Denis Polisi, who also doubles as the chairperson of Amani Forum-Rwanda Chapter.

Meanwhile, Amani Forum-Rwanda Chapter held its annual general assembly yesterday and members assessed the achievement of the network.

The meeting was organized to review the previous year’s financial report and lay strategies for the future.
Amani Forum was formed in 2008 by a group of parliamentarians who decided to create a regional structure to enable lawmakers to work in a coordinated manner towards sustainable peace.

Since then, Amani has grown to be a resolute voice of peace in the Region with a membership of over 650 parliamentarians.
