Human rights essential in economic development

WESTERN PROVINCE RUBAVU — An official of the Rwanda Human Rights Commission has said respect of human rights is essential in the country’s development.

Thursday, January 31, 2008


RUBAVU — An official of the Rwanda Human Rights Commission has said respect of human rights is essential in the country’s development.

Addressing a workshop on human rights early this week at Stipp Hotel, Claude Niwerukundo, in charge of training noted that unlike in the past when human rights were viewed in a political perspective, today the advocates need to include broad range of issues. Human rights advocates, he said, previously advocated for right to belong to political parties, to vote and the like.

"We need to address it in a broad perspective in way that can help improve people’s welfare such as rights to medication,  good feeding, rights to education for all among others,” he said.

The workshop organised by the office of the United Nations for Human Rights in collaboration with the Rwanda Human Rights Commission attracted officials in charge of planning in various government ministries also meant to train them  how to include human right campaigns in their annual planning.

Evaliste Bizimana the district mayor thanked the organisers of the workshop and asked for their support in training the district leaders in human rights upholding. He said his district had a plan of including human rights campaigns in its annual frame work.

Niwerukundo noted that increasing people’s access to various services as a human right was an essential element in achieving the economic, social or political development of the country.

"Every Rwandan has a right to education, good health care and other services. District, ministries and other local leaders should therefore, organise human rights awareness campaigns for people to enlighten people on their rights,” he said.

He said the commission would extend similar training to other districts. Zainabu Kayitesi also of the Rwandan Human Rights Commission said upholding human rights of the citizens was a cornerstone in the country’s development and vital in achieving Vision 2020.
