Bunker discovered in Ingabire’s home

KIGALI - As prosecution continues to gather evidence against Victoire Ingabire, the embattled leader of the yet-to-be-registered political party, FDU-Inkingi, over her involvement in subversive activities, a bunker has been discovered in her residential home in Kimihurura, a city suburb.

Friday, November 05, 2010

KIGALI - As prosecution continues to gather evidence against Victoire Ingabire, the embattled leader of the yet-to-be-registered political party, FDU-Inkingi, over her involvement in subversive activities, a bunker has been discovered in her residential home in Kimihurura, a city suburb.

According to the prosecution, the facility was military in nature. On Wednesday, at around 15 hours, police and prosecution investigators entered Ingabire’s compound and uncovered an ‘L’ shaped trench of about five metres deep and two metres wide.

The underground facility had been dug and well covered with timber with a white plastic sheeting to prevent water seeping through. Mounds of earth had been poured on top and grass planted to help conceal it.  The newly dug bunker was found empty.

The state prosecutor handling Ingabire’s case, Bonaventure Ruberwa, said yesterday that investigations were still ongoing regarding "what could have been the intention of building the bunker in her compound.”

"We are continuing with investigations, but it could be connected to her military activities for which she is currently being charged,” Ruberwa said in a telephone interview.

He added that the information on the existence of the trench was provided by eyewitnesses. "We followed this information provided by these sources which turned out to be true.”

Ingabire was arrested mid last month after she was implicated by Maj. Vital Uwumuremyi, a former rebel commander with the Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Rwanda (FDLR), for conniving to form an armed militia group known as the Coalition of Democratic Forces (CDF).
This group was supposedly meant to be the military wing of FDU-Inkingi.

Despite her co-accused pleading guilty to all charges and praying to court for leniency on grounds that he is ready to change, Ingabire entered a not guilty plea to all charges.
The duo was denied bail by Gasabo Intermediate Court late last month.
