It’s Zouk Night at Passadena

Passadena will tonight host a mega Zouk Night!  The event starts at 8 p.m; entrance is Rwf 2,000 and the menu includes: A cocktail, music and dance. The Zouk Night is sponsored by Primus. Get ready to rock until dawn!

Thursday, November 04, 2010
Mastering the art of Zouk.

Passadena will tonight host a mega Zouk Night! 
The event starts at 8 p.m; entrance is Rwf 2,000 and the menu includes: A cocktail, music and dance.
The Zouk Night is sponsored by Primus. Get ready to rock until dawn!

Night life, Passadena

If you’ve been previously partying in Kigali, but haven’t been able to recognize great night spots, blame it on alcohol, or being unexposed.

Most popular clubs and bars have been updated, including Passadena. Commonly referred to as Chez Virgile, Passadena, located in Gikondo, is among Kigali’s first-class bars that support and showcase local music talents.

It’s an idyllic hangout and the owners have created a strong identity for its music-loving audience. Passadena has ventured into several concepts since its inception in the early 2000s – with a striking menu and exceptional services.
