I am dissappointed in BCR

Editor, Please allow me to express my dissappointment in the Commercial Bank of Rwanda (BCR). I have been a client of BCR for the last five years and an active one for the last two.I recently went to my branch to apply for a checque book and I was well received.

Thursday, November 04, 2010


Please allow me to express my dissappointment in the Commercial Bank of Rwanda (BCR). I have been a client of BCR for the last five years and an active one for the last two.

I recently went to my branch to apply for a checque book and I was well received. I filled the necessary forms and left the bank contented that I would receive my checque book as the branch manager had asked me to go back in five days.

Five days later, I happily went back to pick my checque book and it was nowhere to be found. According to the branch manager, I needed some 25.000Frw on my account before I got a checque book.

My question is, why wasnt I informed prior? Secondly, as a client, am I not entitled to being updated on what changes the bank has put in place to avoid such inconviences?

Gilbert  Mwumvaneza
