‘Doing Business’ success is testimony that we can make it

Editor, Once again, we have done it. Our country continues to shine in the World Bank’s annual ‘Doing Business’ rankings, and I must say that, I am so grateful to the men and women who are at the forefront of our country’s business reformation process.

Thursday, November 04, 2010


Once again, we have done it. Our country continues to shine in the World Bank’s annual ‘Doing Business’ rankings, and I must say that, I am so grateful to the men and women who are at the forefront of our country’s business reformation process.

Last year, we were ranked number one in the whole world in business reforms, and this year, only Kazakhstan, has come ahead of us. I was looking through the papers, and, from what I read, this is how we have progressed over the past few years: Just two years ago, our country ranked 158th out of a total of 183 countries, last year we leapfrogged to 67th position, and now we have moved up again, to 58th position. Incredible!

Yet, going by the determination I see on the part of our leaders, it appears we have not reached our best yet. I call on all other stakeholders to join hands with the Government to turn this country a top business and investment destination for the rest of the world.

With the prevailing stability, we should all stand up, roll up our sleeves, and make this country what we want it to be. The young generation, in particular, have a major role to play since the leadership mantle will soon be passed onto them. Yes we can.

Alphonse Muneza