Unethical teachers belong in jail

Editor, I was very disturbed by the story that appeared in this paper yesterday about a teacher who was caught trying to help a student cheat in a Mathematics examination in Gatsibo District. . Jean Claude Ntirenganya, a teacher at Kiziguro Secondary school, is said to have been caught red-handed trying to assist an ‘O’ level student, only identified as Solange, with answers during the exam.

Thursday, November 04, 2010
Pupils during a previous examination.


I was very disturbed by the story that appeared in this paper yesterday about a teacher who was caught trying to help a student cheat in a Mathematics examination in Gatsibo District. . Jean Claude Ntirenganya, a teacher at Kiziguro Secondary school, is said to have been caught red-handed trying to assist an ‘O’ level student, only identified as Solange, with answers during the exam.

Teachers are supposed to be exemplary and to always observe their professional ethics while at work. Therefore, this teacher ought to be very ashamed of what he was caught doing. By helping a student to cheat, both of them were clearly breaking examination rules and they should face the full force of the law.

The Rwanda National Examination Council should be very strict on examination cheating since it brings disrepute to the council and the examinations themselves if some people can just cheat their way to success.

If found guilty this teacher should be sent straight to jail and he does not deserve to be a teacher again, let alone an examination invigilator.

Uhirwa Olivier