LEMIGO Hotel food left us sick

Dear Editor, Please allow me to use your newspaper to express my disappointment with LEMIGO Hotel, Kimihurura. This hotel is quite new and I fell in love with it in terms of interior and privacy, and I expected that it’s services would match or even exceed my expectations. I and a group of friends decided to patronize the hotel over the weekend and, as expected, they were as impressed as I was, by the beauty of the hotel.

Thursday, November 04, 2010

Dear Editor,

Please allow me to use your newspaper to express my disappointment with LEMIGO Hotel, Kimihurura. This hotel is quite new and I fell in love with it in terms of interior and privacy, and I expected that it’s services would match or even exceed my expectations.

I and a group of friends decided to patronize the hotel over the weekend and, as expected, they were as impressed as I was, by the beauty of the hotel.

We ordered for some drinks and, roasted meat (brochettes) and this order took more than two hours to be delivered, which we let pass because we were too chatting animatedly.

Then, we started eating but someone raised the question of why the meat was cold. We did not pay close attention but when someone else raised the same question again, I was curious and on looking closely at the meat, I was shocked. Not only was the meat raw, it still had blood running out of it as if it hadn’t been cooked at all.

We all started vomiting and have been nursing food poisoning for the last few days. I tried to raise my concerns with the hotel management, and they profusely apologized and surprisingly lay  blame on the chef.

For a hotel as big as LEMIGO, I do not expect the chef to be the last person to check what is going to be served to clients; instead the management needs to hire a quality assurance manager to handle this.

Each one of us has a reason why we choose places like LEMIGO and top on that list is quality service and products.    By now, at least we all know that first impressions last forever and obviously, I now know what LEMIGO is all about.

Lisha Ntare
