Healthy Woman : Healthy bouncy hair can be yours

Diet and lifestyle are the two leading factors that affect the healthy growth of hair. Some food-stuffs that should be avoided so as to maintain bouncy healthy hair include; sweets, chocolates, cakes and cookies. Usually whatever goes into your body, is reflected on the outside, including your hair & skin.

Thursday, November 04, 2010

Diet and lifestyle are the two leading factors that affect the healthy growth of hair. Some food-stuffs that should be avoided so as to maintain bouncy healthy hair include; sweets, chocolates, cakes and cookies. Usually whatever goes into your body, is reflected on the outside, including your hair & skin.

A poor balanced diet, illness and the insufficiency of any particular vitamins and minerals affects the quality of hair. This eventually leads to dandruff, thinning hair, balding, premature graying among other hair setbacks.

Zafarani Uwarurema is a hair dresser at Privilege Beauty Centre located at Kigali Business Centre.she has been a hair dresser for the last 12 years.

"I trained at Africana Beauty Centre in 1998 and since that time hair dressing has became a profession I love: I look after my family from what I earn,” Uwarurema said.

Uwarurema said: "When a client approaches us complaining about their hair, we advise them on what to use depending on the nature of their hair.  For thinning and breaking hair, one can use a treatment called Mayonnaise, that contains Botanical marrow, so as to retain its original strength and sheen.”

"For strong and rough hair, its best to use mayonnaise and apply soft hair food at the hair roots such as Jojoba Hair Vaseline for a softer feel.”

Dandruff cases are treated differently. Uwarurema said that people with dandruff should watch out for hair food, shampoo, treatment and retouch products they use.
"One has to constantly moisten their hair roots and scalp with Vaseline to get rid of dandruff since at times its a result of having a dry scalp.”

The hairdresser suggests hair products with Sulfur and Virgin Fertilizer to get rid of dandruff.
"Always re-touch your hair with the same hair product, at least every four to six months, because constant retouching of hair weakness its body,” Uwarurema said.

Regular visits to the saloon help in maintaining healthy bouncy hair but if one decides to do it at home below are some tips;

Hair Shampooing: Shampoos are available in different formulas to suit all hair types. It’s advisable to wash your hair with adequate shampoo so as to keep it clean.

Hair conditioners and Vitamins for treatment:  Conditioners are required to restore the natural gleam and shine of hair. Apply a conditioner after shampoo or treatment.
Careful Rinse your hair before drying it. 

Massage the Scalp: Apply hair food (Vaseline) on the root hair and gently massage the scalp.