Rwanda, DRC Defence Ministers present report to President Kagame

URUGWIRO VILLAGE - The Ministers of Defence from Rwanda and the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) yesterday delivered a report of outcomes and recommendations from their one-day meeting regarding issues of regional security to President Paul Kagame.

Wednesday, November 03, 2010
President Paul Kagame in a group photo taken yesterday with the joint DRC-Rwanda delegation who briefed him on the outcome of talks the two parties have been holding regarding security. (Photo Urugwiro Village)

URUGWIRO VILLAGE - The Ministers of Defence from Rwanda and the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) yesterday delivered a report of outcomes and recommendations from their one-day meeting regarding issues of regional security to President Paul Kagame.

Defence Minister Gen. James Kabarebe and his Congolese counterpart, Charles Mwando Nsimba, accompanied by the military chiefs from either side, presented the report that urged both countries to continue to working together on matters of regional security.

Addressing the press shortly after meeting President Kagame, Nsimba said that he was delighted that he and his Rwandan colleague successfully delivered on the tasks they had been assigned by Presidents Kagame and DRC’s Joseph Kabila.

"We were honoured to deliver a report to the President of the Republic after our successful meeting, briefing him on the assignment they gave us regarding security in our two countries and what we are doing to tackle negative forces in the region, especially FDLR/ FOCA,” he revealed.

"We also touched on how our two countries can continue to improve on their relations and how our two communities will continue to exist in harmony through trade and other exchanges, and how these armed groups are affecting the exchanges between our populations”.

"A lot has been done, from Umoja Wetu, to Kimia I and II as well as Amani Leo operations against the armed forces in the region. We have shared a lot of intelligence information on these groups,” said Kabarebe.

"Dealing with these negative forces is not only about engaging them militarily, but also digging deep to know how they are organised, where the get their support and arms and many other things”.

Gen. Kabarebe affirmed that the new relations are not only based on peace and stability, but also on economic cooperation and improving the lives of their respective populations.
