Minister Musoni should learn from Japanese Minister

I felt so disappointed (many also expressed the same sentiment) when I saw statements from our minister of finance( The New Times of 24th August ) that he had only read the draft of the UNDP report and not the final report.

Monday, August 27, 2007

I felt so disappointed (many also expressed the same sentiment) when I saw statements from our minister of finance( The New Times of 24th August ) that he had only read the draft of the UNDP report and not the final report.

 My understanding is that a draft is usually not so different from a final document.

 And I have never heard of a draft being completely different from a final version or having completely different conclusions.Musoni should bear the responsibility of what he signed. It is wrong to shift the blame to academicians who just did their job (even tough questionable) like the way they perceive it.

Minister Musoni stating that ‘’he will blacklist them’’ is also another improper statement.

 How can one be blacklisted because he has a different view? Should the academician also be treated like AL Qaeda? 

Minister Musoni should remember that Rwanda has embarked on a democratic process!

Instead of tarnishing more the image of the Government, the Minister should learn from the case of Norihiko Akagi, former Japanese Minister of Agriculture.

Norihiko Akagi was involved in a good number of what was called ‘’ ministers’ gaffes’’ and on the August 1, 2007 he made the following statement:

‘’There is no doubt about the cause of the ruling party’s election loss. I feel very sorry, and I have decided to step down.”

The UNDP report has unfairly questioned efforts of the Government; those who approved it should be answerable without any exception, without looking for different scapegoats!