Community work concerns us all

Dear Editor, I am a resident of Kicukiro District, and last weekend, I walked to the area where I was expected to join others in community work as usual (Umuganda). within 30 minutes,  l counted up to ten motorcyclists riding quickly past me with passengers. I was taken aback.

Tuesday, November 02, 2010
LEADING BY EXAMPLE: Karongi Mayor Bernard Kayumba (centre) leading residents in community work to fix the Karongi-Rubavu road. (File photo)

Dear Editor,

I am a resident of Kicukiro District, and last weekend, I walked to the area where I was expected to join others in community work as usual (Umuganda). within 30 minutes,  l counted up to ten motorcyclists riding quickly past me with passengers.

I was taken aback. I wondered what both the passenger and the motorcyclists were thinking or where they were speeding to while everyone else seemed to be concentrating on community work that morning.

I really did get concerned about whether these people cared about this noble idea that has contributed a lot to our cleanliness and development and, generally, how Rwandans relate to each other in their communities.

Most of us use the services of motorcycles to get to and from our places of work and also during our daily activities. They have done a great job of making each and every place in Kigali accessible.

The fact that transportation is part of our daily lives, does not mean that motorcyclists will not participate in activities of common good.

By involving ourselves in government and community programme, we are not only helping our communities to develop but our nation too.

Community work should not be left to one section of people while others go about their business. On that day, each and every one of us must put whatever we have been doing aside to contribute to a clean and sustainable environment. Motorcyclists need to know that from doctors, to nurses, firemen, to leaders, no one is left behind when it comes to community work.

I would also like to take this opportunity to thank the Rwanda National Police for its continued efforts in maintaining road safety everywhere in the country. I would like to call upon all road users to respect traffic rules as this will provide a long term solution to road accidents.

Emmanuel Rugamba
Kicukiro District