Ernst &Young boosts CAR15s

AUDITING firm Ernst &Young have boosted the National Rugby federation with Rwf0.5m towards staging a successful Confederation of African Rugby (CAR) 15s tournament from November 22 - 27 in Kigali. It was confirmed yesterday by the federation’s vice president in charge of marketing Alex Araire.

Tuesday, November 02, 2010

AUDITING firm Ernst &Young have boosted the National Rugby federation with Rwf0.5m towards staging a successful Confederation of African Rugby (CAR) 15s tournament from November 22 - 27 in Kigali.

It was confirmed yesterday by the federation’s vice president in charge of marketing Alex Araire.

"We are grateful to Ernst & Young for their timely sponsorship. We are still Rwf10.5m short on the competition budget but we believe other corporate companies will chip in something,” he said.

The tourney will attract three teams; Burundi, DRC and Rwanda who have dominated the event for the last two years.
