More speed bumps are needed on our roads

Editor, I am amazed at how fast the newly constructed highways and roads across the country have been implemented. However, with this new infrastructure comes danger and risk. Even though Rwanda has strict traffic laws given the fact that drivers are pulled over by traffic police if they are, for example, using cell phones or not wearing seat belts while driving, there are still drivers who are ignorant of the traffic rules.

Tuesday, November 02, 2010


I am amazed at how fast the newly constructed highways and roads across the country have been implemented.

However, with this new infrastructure comes danger and risk. Even though Rwanda has strict traffic laws given the fact that drivers are pulled over by traffic police if they are, for example, using cell phones or not wearing seat belts while driving, there are still drivers who are ignorant of the traffic rules.

Thankfully Rwanda’s roads seem to be among the safest in Africa, but of recent overspeeding and car accidents are on the rise. This implies that drivers are not taking the necessary precaution and responsibility to protect their lives and those of pedestrians.

Careless accidents that are caused by over speeding and absentmindedness while driving have resulted in the death of innocent pedestrians walking on the sidewalks where they should rightfully be. Let’s remember that traffic injuries and deaths can have serious economic and public health consequences in addition to personal and family traumas.

All this can be avoided with a mere bag of cement, gravel, tarmac and paint. Speed bumps are very necessary to keep drivers alert and careful while on the road.

Prisca Shema