Housemaid abducts 9-month baby over wages

EASTERN PROVINCE GATSIBO — Parents and police in Kiramuruzi Sector on Monday pardoned a house maid who attempted to abduct a nine-moth baby over unpaid wages.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008


GATSIBO — Parents and police in Kiramuruzi Sector on Monday pardoned a house maid who attempted to abduct a nine-moth baby over unpaid wages.

Chantal Mukagatare, 17, formerly working in the home of François Karemera of Kiramuruzi reportedly abducted the baby in the morning hours over wage arrears accumulated  over a period of eight months. She however returned later in the day.

By the time she returned, the baby’s parents had reported the matter to police after learning from their neighbor that she went away with the baby over her wages. Filled with panic and anxiety the parents spent the whole day tracing the direction taken by the housemaid.

They were however surprised when the girl returned the baby and told them she had given up on the money. Doubting the girl’s intentions, they took the baby for medical examination to find out the status of its health but fortunately it was normal.

They asked police to desist from arresting the girl since she had returned the baby.
