We all need to adopt Umuganda - Malawian minister

KIGALI - The Malawian Minister of Industry and Trade, Eunice Kazembe, has commended Rwanda for the community work commonly known as “Umuganda” saying that it is a resourceful encounter with the local community and should be emulated by other countries. She made the remarks yesterday while participating in the monthly community work at Kigarama Sector in Kicukiro District. 

Sunday, October 31, 2010
Minister Monique Nsanzabaganwa and Malawian Minister of Industry and Trade,Eunice Kazembe, planting trees during community work yesterday in Kagarama Sector, Kicukiro District (Photo T.Kisambira)

KIGALI - The Malawian Minister of Industry and Trade, Eunice Kazembe, has commended Rwanda for the community work commonly known as "Umuganda” saying that it is a resourceful encounter with the local community and should be emulated by other countries.

She made the remarks yesterday while participating in the monthly community work at Kigarama Sector in Kicukiro District.

The Malawian Minister together her Rwandan counterpart, Monique Nsanzabaganwa, Kigali City Council officials and the local community, took part in planting trees in Kimisange Cell, Kigarama Sector in Kicukiro District.

"This is an excellent leadership on the part of the President, whom I hear personally participates. This is a quite commendable and very unique programme,” Kazembe said.

The Malawian Minister who is in the country for the African Union Ministers of Trade Forum, added that it was something to be emulated.

"This is something all African countries need to do because wherever we go in Africa now, there is environmental degradation  and the only way to resolve the issue is to have every person  be involved in curbing it,” she explained.

"It provides us with a good example to engage in community work alongside the local community because we don’t have this at home. We find it a really exciting and a constructive model which we can emulate.”

She stressed that she would like to introduce it in her home constituency in Malawi because through self help projects like planting trees, building schools and doing other various developmental work, community development is promoted.

"If we are to pay people to plant these trees for us, it would be a very expensive exercise and it does not make people think green, only through community involvement can we reverse the environmental degradation,” she noted.
Kazembe also hailed the country for achieving tremendous developments in the shortest period of time.

"Rwanda is a very beautiful place. It’s my first time to be here. Kigali city is very orderly, clean, organized and you can see the development is vibrant.”

Nsanzabaganwa said that she invited her colleague because she wanted her to see how Rwandans participate in the monthly community work.

"This is our home grown initiative to promote self reliance and community development and bonding, and I thought this was a good idea to invite her to see how Rwandans involve themselves in the community welfare,” she stressed.
