Are we forgetting too fast?

It’s hardly 15years since the cold blooded murders took place in Rwanda. However, a few people still think and act they leant and forgot nothing.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

It’s hardly 15years since the cold blooded murders took place in Rwanda. However, a few people still think and act they leant and forgot nothing.

I was shocked to learn from your papers that Police in Byumba are holding three men who allegedly killed a 50-year old man. As if this was not enough, the man is not just a man but a father to one of the three.

I was at the scene and the unfortunate incident followed a round of booze. They had been drinking local potent gin commonly known as Kanyanga.

The brutal action was closely similar to the events of the 1994 Genocide because they reportedly went and called the deceased at around midnight in the pretext that they had his message.

Can you imagine that as soon as he opened the door, his own son was the first one to strike him with a hammer on the head, killing him instantly?

Had it not been the intervention of other family members and neighbors who reportedly sounded an alarm, the murderers would probably have gotten away with it.

God bless Rwanda.
