Local leaders in Western Province taken to task

KARONGI - Local leaders of all the seven districts that comprise the Western Province have been put to task to explain why there is repeated underperformance,especially in the agricultural sector.

Sunday, October 31, 2010
Senator Chrisologue Kubwimana (C) with some of the local leaders (Photo S. Nkurunziza)

KARONGI - Local leaders of all the seven districts that comprise the Western Province have been put to task to explain why there is repeated underperformance,
especially in the agricultural sector.

Senators and Members of Parliament took the local leaders to task last Friday during a consultative meeting which was also attended by Provincial Governor Celestin

The Deputy Speaker, Polisi Denis, and MPs; Landrada Umuraza, Damien Nyabyenda and Samuel Musabyimana and two senators; Chrisologue Kubwimana and Agnes Kaijire, attended the meeting which was held at the Provincial headquarters in Karongi District.

During the meeting characterized by heated debates, the Polisi urged the leaders to involve the local population in order to achieve full social and economic development.

A tough-talking Sen. Kubwimana wondered why the local leaders have constantly failed to properly coordinate the local farmers and the Ministry of Agriculture (MINAGRI) in order to identify common goals.

"It’s up to you to help the farmers get maximum benefits from offers given by the Agriculture Ministry. This is the only way we can improve production,” he said.

MINAGRI recently released a report citing Rutsiro, Ngororero and Rusizi as districts whose agricultural performance significantly declined this year but local leaders have vehemently objected.

"I am very surprised that MINAGRI can rate us like this because I am convinced that we have achieved more than what the statistics show,” Jean Ndimubahire, the Mayor of Rutsiro District said
